Corona virus (COVID-19)

Corona virus, such as the new COVID-19 outbreak that started in China, causes mild respiratory illness, including death. CoVID-19 has spread all over the world. Precautions include wearing a mask, staying two meters away, washing your hands frequently, avoiding sick people, keeping your hands away from your face, and getting plenty of rest and food.

What is corona virus?

Corona virus is a family of viruses that can cause respiratory infections in humans. The virus was named "Corona" because of the large number of crown-shaped spinal cord on the surface. Severe respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) and the common cold are examples of corona viruses that cause disease in humans.

The novel Coronavirus Tension, Covid-19, was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Since then, the virus has spread to all continents (except Antarctica).

How many people are affected in Cove 19?

The number of people affected changes daily. The data collection organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are gathering information and learning more about the epidemic on a regular basis. Are doing As of this writing (12/02/2021), more than 111 million people worldwide have been affected. More than 2,400,000 people were killed. Cases of COVID-19 have been reported in approximately 192 countries and territories on all continents (excluding Antarctica).
 The United States has the highest number of cases affecting more than 28 million people and nearly 500,000 deaths. More than 11,000,000 cases and 156,000 deaths were recorded in India. There are more than 10,000,000 cases in Brazil. More than 4,100,000 cases of the disease have been reported in Russia and England. More than 3,500,000 cases have been reported in France. More than 3,000,000 cases have been reported in Spain, and more than 2,600,000 in Turkey and Italy. There are approximately 2,400,000 cases in Germany. There were 2,200,000 reported incidents in Colombia. More than 2,000,000 cases have been reported in Argentina and Mexico. For the latest statistics, see the map reports at the end of the article with reference to the World Health Organization and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

How is the new corona virus (CoVid 19) transmitted from person to person?

CoVID-19 can spread:

When the virus is spread through airborne droplets, when an infected person spreads by coughing, sneezing, talking, singing, or breathing closely (within six feet). This is thought to be the primary cause of COVID-19 transmission.
When the virus spreads in tiny droplets from the mouth that stays in the air for hours to minutes from an infected person or then leaves the room. This spread is more common in closed rooms with poor ventilation.
Through close contact (contact and handshake) with an infected person.
Touch surfaces that are infected, and then touch your eyes, mouth or nose before washing your hands. (This method is considered difficult to spread.)
Covid 19 enters your body through your mouth, nose or eyes (either through direct airborne droplets or by hand transmission of the virus). The virus travels to the nasal passages and the back of the throat. There, it attaches to the cells and begins to multiply and migrates to the lung tissue. From there, the virus can spread to other tissues in the body.

Governments, health officials, researchers and healthcare providers are working together to develop policies and procedures to limit the spread of the virus globally and from one person to another.

COVID-19 considered contagious?

Researchers are still studying COVID-19. It is well known that people with Covid 19 can spread the virus to others before symptoms develop (while people are still "asymptomatic"). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that once symptoms appear, you will stop getting the infection within 10 days of symptoms appearing.

Unless everything about COVID-19 is fully understood, the best safety advice from health professionals is:

If possible, stay three feet away from others.
Wear a veil to cover your face and nose when you are around other people.
Wash your hands often. When soap is not available, use a hand cleaner that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid cramped rooms. Get as much outside air as possible.
If you feel sick because of the symptoms, keep yourself isolated if you may have symptoms of Covid 19 or so.

Covid 19 infection?

COVID-19 is most at risk:

People living or traveling in an area with a recent active prevalence.
Individuals who have been in close contact with someone who has been laboratory confirmed or suspected of having the COVID-19 virus. Close contact means staying at a distance of three feet from an infected person for at least 15 minutes for 24 hours.
People over 60 who are already ill or have a weak immune system.

Some races have suffered more from COVID-19?

So. Several researchers analyzed data from the country and some large cities, looking at the number of confirmed cases and deaths based on race, ethnicity and related factors. They found that African Americans and Latinos had disproportionately high hospitalization and mortality rates due to Covid 19.

There are a number of reasons why researchers suggest that this population is more disturbed. It is believed that the orientation of these ethnic groups is as follows:

Living in densely populated areas and multinational families complicates the path of social distancing.
Consumers work in the service sector and are more likely to use public transport at work, which puts them at risk of contracting COVID-19.
If they have CoVID-19 due to high levels of current diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, asthma, heart, liver and kidney disease, the risk of developing a serious illness increases.
You are more likely to be insured or not receive ongoing care, which limits access to COVID-19 tests and treatment.

Can I be re-infected after recovering from Cowed-19?

The US Centers for Disease Control states that the immune response to COVID-19 has not yet been studied. Because it is a new strain of coronavirus, scientists are still gathering information and researching the virus. So it's too early to know if you found it.

In a related topic, scientists are studying a subset of patients with COVID-19 whose symptoms last for weeks and months. These patients are called long coronavirus funnels. Scientists are monitoring these patients.

Where do coronaviruses come from?

Coronaviruses are most common in bats, cats and camels. Viruses are alive but do not infect animals. Sometimes these viruses spread to different species of animals. Viruses can change if transmitted differently. Eventually, the virus can be transmitted from animals to humans. The case of COVID-19, the first infection in Wuhan, China, is thought to have been caused by a virus in a food market selling meat, fish and live animals, but the investigation is still ongoing. Although researchers do not know exactly how people became infected, they already have evidence that the virus can be transmitted directly from person to person through close contact.
What are the symptoms of a new coronavirus infection (Covid-19)?
The CDC reports that if you have these signs or symptoms, you may have a coronavirus:

  • Fever or cold.
  • Cough.
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
  • fatigue
  • Muscle or body pain
  • Headache.
  • New loss of taste or smell.
  • Sore throat.
  • Constipation or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • Additional symptoms may occur.

Children have the same symptoms, but they are usually milder than adults. Elderly people and people with severe primary diseases, such as heart or lung disease or diabetes, are at greater risk of developing more serious complications from COVID-19.
