Ways to love all the research 2021 girls In English On Zsons


Like a beautiful ghazal, the story of the jewel and the prince is also the story of her true love.
A beautiful blonde girl, as beautiful as her name, with blonde hair, big crooked eyes, lips like rose petals, everyone who was looking at her kept looking at her.

Like every girl, the golden fish had desires, dreams and she often thought alone that one day her prince would come into her life, who would love her very much, keep her like a princess.

A river was flowing near the house of the golden fish, the golden fish would sit by the river at night and nurture dreams.

One day, as usual, the golden fish got lost in their dreams and sat by the river. When he heard someone scream, he looked around nervously and didn't see anything when the same voice came back in a golden voice.

As he stepped forward, he saw a boy fall and injure his leg. His horse came close and stood, his rider falling as he was balanced by the impact of the rock.

As the gold rush approached, I saw a very handsome boy, something like that from his thoughts.

The goldfish said,  Let me help you. This boy looked at the goldfish without any hesitation, the goldfish also attracted him.

Then, when his hypnosis was broken, the golden fish supported him and said,  Come near my house, come, I will bring some medicine.  He nodded in agreement, and the two of them went and returned home,  said his mother.  Everything.  He asked to restore the medicine. The jeweler took off the medicine and tied it.

And she went to demand silence. After a while he had food in his hand and the golden fish said,  You have food. The boy asked your name, he said pike perch. The boy said you helped me a lot.  Thank you very much.

The goldfish just smiled. The owner of the silver asked who you are, the boy said,  My name is Prince, I live in the same city, I came back from my friend's wedding and everything happened on the way, otherwise you helped me.    I had no idea what was going on.

And then the prince thanked him and went to his house. The jewel kept staring at him. He also looked at the golden man. They both had a lot of questions in their eyes and he lost his eyesight.

The goldfish found the prince, and whenever he remembered, he thought of the goldfish, and the prince could not remove the goldfish for a moment.

She went to the golden fish, and the golden fish also made her mahram. When the princess arrived, her eyes lit up. The princess approached, the two confronted each other and their hearts were pounding. Goldfish I fell in love with you and while the golden fish was shy, listening and waiting, I fell in love with you.

Even the occupants of the house had no idea that the prince and the jewels were married. It seems that these two people have reunited and they have the whole world.

A few days later, the prince had to leave the city to work, and the Golden Seal sadly left and promised to return soon.

One day there was a sudden flood, the whole city was destroyed, many people died and many people were told not to clean them with water.

The golden fish was also swept away by a fast stream.

When it all stopped, the golden fish was in an unknown place and an old woman was sitting next to it:  Daughter, you found me in a sick condition by the river. Thank you for surviving.

The golden boy cried so much that he did not want this life without the prince. He had no idea how to do it.

The old woman said,  Daughter, believe me, one day everything will be fine.

The goldfish began to hope that if one day her love was real, her prince would find her.

On the other hand, when the prince came back he saw all this and became very angry, he found golden fish everywhere, everyone asked but found nothing.

Here the golden fish remembers the prince who cried by the river every day, and this golden fish broke his head, wrote the address here and lost his hair in the river.

The will of God met two true lovers.

One evening the prince remembers a golden fish, and when he remembered a yellow fish by the river, he saw the open leaves and learned the technique of working with this leaf, golden hair and goldfish. ۔ It didn't take long to understand the previous story.

He immediately. Just searched for this address.

After a long search, he found the place, sitting by the river, and found a sad goldfish.

Hugging in the wet moment, the two looked at each other and shouted happily. Both cried badly, but there were tears of unity and joy. Because true love has won, you say, if we really love someone, anything will happen.
